Beharra Silica Sand Project

Proposal description: 

Perpetual Resources Limited propose to develop a silica sand mine in the Geraldton Sandplain bioregion of Western Australia, approximately 300 km north of Perth.  

The proposal would include a total disturbance of 590 hectares of native vegetation and will involve sequential mining of sand above the water table. 100 ha will be cleared within the first two years followed by annual clearing of 20 ha cells and progressive rehabilitation of mined cells. 

Vegetation and topsoil will be stockpiled for use in progressive rehabilitation. The life of the proposal is estimated to be 33 years.

Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
June 14, 2023
Current Status: 
Decision on whether to assess has been published
Decision on whether to assess has been published
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