

If you experience any problems with accessing information on this site, please contact us and an accessible version of the material will be provided to you.

This website has been designed to be as accessible to as many users as possible, including:

  • people with disabilities who may use assistive technologies
  • those with slower internet connections
  • rural and regional users
  • those with hand held devices and mobile phones.

Some documents provided during the assessment of a proposal or scheme may be very large in file size. Wherever possible, we reduce or split these to facilitate downloading. The OEPA is committed to ensuring all people have access to our services and have the opportunity to participate in any public consultation.

All EPA and OEPA documents published on this website can also be provided in other formats on request.

Text resizing

This website uses a modern web framework, with font sizes designed to be easily modified by the viewer. To increase or decrease the size of the screen font, simply use your web browsers' inbuilt tools, or on a PC use 'Ctrl +' to increase or 'Ctrl -' to decrease the font size. For Macintosh users, simply use the Apple key in place of Ctrl.


Most pages on this website may be printed by clicking on the "Printer-friendly version" link at the bottom of the page.

When printing a proposal or scheme case view, you can expand the sections in the printer-friendly view to see the complete record.

Plug-in requirements

The following is a list of software that you may need to read the documents and files on this website: