Albany Transhipment Proposal

Proposal description: 

Southern Ports Authority propose to facilitate export of magnetite by allowing the construction of a new Berth 5 and expanding current anchorages in King George Sound.

Berth 5 is to be constructed consisting of an offshore piled structure with mooring dolphins. Transhipment vessels will leave Berth 5, transit to an inner anchorage and load an ocean-going vessel for first-stage export. Vessels will then transit to a deeper anchorage to complete second-stage export. The anchorages are currently approved to use with a 560-metre (m) swing radius for use by the Port. Southern Ports Authority is proposing to expand the swing radius of the anchorages to 900 m. The proposal is within the Port of Albany, Western Australia and King George Sound, Western Australia in Port Waters under the tenure of Southern Ports Authority

Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
May 4, 2023
Current Status: 
Seven-day public comment period closed
Seven-day public comment period closed
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