Hedges gold project, Boddington (s46)

Proposal description: 

The previously approved proposal is to mine and process up to 2 Mtpa of lateritic gold ore from the Hedges deposit, which is located in State Forest 4 km south of Mt Wells and 12 km north-west of Boddington. Ore is extracted through an open cut mining operation and is hauled 7 km to the carbon-in-leach treatment plant where the gold is recovered and the tailings deposited in a tailings dam. Process water for the treatment plant is supplied from the raw water supply dam which is replenished by pumping from the Hotham River. The treatment plant, tailings dam, and raw water supply dam, are located on private land either owned or leased by the proponent.

Inquiry under s46 regarding proposed changes to Ministerial Statement 20.

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
June 26, 1997
Current Status: 
Ministerial Statement published
Ministerial Statement published
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