Optimised Mardie Project

Proposal description: 

Mardie Minerals Pty Ltd has approval to develop a greenfields high quality salt and SoP project and associated export facility at Mardie, approximately 80 km south-west of Karratha, in the Pilbara region of WA. The project will produce a high purity salt product, Sulphate of Potash (SoP) and other products that can be derived from sea water. 

The Proposal includes the expansion of the approved Mardie Project (Ministerial Statement [MS] 1175) including expanded concentrator and crystalliser ponds, an increased salt and SoP production rate, new secondary seawater intake option, a port facility laydown area, a quarry, and minor changes to the dredge channel. 

The Proposal is a significant amendment to the Original Proposal approved under MS 1175, specifically to: 

  • Increase the Terrestrial Development Envelope by 3,978 ha. 

  • Increase in disturbance within the Terrestrial Development Envelope by 2,334 ha. 

  • Increase in project throughput, which includes: 

  • Increase in seawater intake to 180 GL/a. 

  • Increase in brine discharge to 5.5 GL/a. 

  • Increase in export volumes to 5.35 Mtpa of salt and 140 ktpa of SoP. 

  • Inclusion of another secondary seawater intake option within Mardie Creek. 

  • Minor alteration of the dredge footprint and methodology within the Dredge Channel Development Envelope (10-ha increase in dredge disturbance footprint but no change to dredge volume). 

  • Increase the Dredge Channel Development Envelope by 3.5 ha. 

  • A quarry adjacent to Mardie Road. 

Assessment Number: 
Referred under EP Act: 
Industry sector: 
Last updated: 
October 19, 2023
Current Status: 
Ministerial Statement published
Ministerial Statement published
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